Procurement of Materials

At Xact Stone we never want you to feel that you are going it alone. We want you to understand the power of partnerships and how they help to procure materials at a better rate.

Procuring materials through our supplier’s network brings extended profit margins for both companies, because it means turning more of their product while minimizing upfront costs. There is something in it for us and them.

What are the benefits?

  • Quicker access to materials, via product consignment.
  • Access to new markets and customers, enabling faster growth.
  • Resources and Tools, such as digital equipment that otherwise would be out of reach.
  • Advantageous payment terms, allowing you to place larger orders and fuel growth, without incurring a bankrupting cash crunch.

Consider these thoughts:

1) We have negotiated with suppliers to carry credit/paper Fast growth often brings a cash flow crunch to a small business.

Eliminating: big order + more up-front expenses = less cash to run the business.

2)We have negotiated with suppliers to consign product Willingness to advance inventory or supplies without requiring upfront payments and also extending payment terms.

What this means is you and our suppliers can grow at the same time. As you sell more, they benefit and so do you. And you may not need to resort to expensive bank financing or credit cards for operating cash or expansion funding.

3)We have negotiated with suppliers to open new marketsOur business partners help open new markets by providing reduced procurement time and cost. Our strategic partnerships enable development of markets that were at one time inaccessible due to volume requirements and unattainable pricing. Discovering, nurturing and building upon these partnerships is key to business growth and expansion.